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AquaPV Techno-Economic Analysis

The AquaPV Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) tool gives financial metrics for a FPV installation. It considers solar generation, electricity cost, capital investment (CAPEX), operational cost (OPEX), Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Production Tax Credit (PTC), as well as life expectancy and an annual discount rate. You can preview an example result here. To use the tool follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Input a time-series solar generation file for your location.
    • Needs to have at least 1 year of data.
    • Data shouldn't be missing more than 2% of values.
    • Data can be sub-hourly but will be resampled to have a 1-hour time-step.
    • Data is truncated to start on January 1st.
  2. Input an energy price file for your location.
    • Same requirements as above.
    • Both files need to use the same time-zone.
    • Files do not need to use the same years of data or time-step.
    • The tool will merge the data and set to 1-hour time-step.
  3. Set other needed project parameters.
    • Capital and operational expenses.
      • A percentage the high and low may deviate from the estimate.
    • ITC and PTC tax incentives.
    • Solar projects life expectancy.
    • The annual discount rate.

Step 1: Input your solar generation

Select a .csv file that has two columns of data; datetime and solar generation in MWs. If you don't have a generation file for your location, you can use the Solar Generation Tool to generate a csv file for your location. Additionally, you can download an example file here.

Step 2: Input your energy price

Select a .csv file that has two columns of data; datetime and price in $/MW. You can download an example file here.

Step 3: Input other project parameters

CAPEX Estimate in Millions
CAPEX High/Low from Estimate
OPEX Estimate
OPEX High/Low from Estimate
ITC Incentive (View Table)
PTC Incentive (View Table)
Life Expectancy
Annual Discount Rate

Further information on the ITC and PTC can be found here

Example of TEA Results

Imported Data

You will see the imported data for solar generation and price individually when you import your data. Note: the data has a 1-hour time-step but is plotted with a 10-hour time-step.

Merged Data

Check to make sure the data you input was merged correctly. It should display the number of years used in in the project lifetime. Note: the data has a 1hr time-step but displayed with a 10hr time-steps.

Revenue, Cost, and Payback Period

The solar generation revenue is shown with the ITC and PTC incentives as well as with no incentive. The low, baseline, and hight capex/opex are plotted and where the revenue crosses these lines is the payback period time.

Payback Period

The Payback Period measures the amount of time required to recoup the cost of an initial investment via the cash flows generated by the investment. However, payback period does not allow for the time value of money. Note: None is with no project incentives.

Levelized Cost of Energy

The levelized cost of energy (LCOE), also referred to as the levelized cost of electricity or the levelized energy cost (LEC), is a measurement used to assess and compare alternative methods of energy production. The LCOE of an energy-generating asset can be thought of as the average total cost of building and operating the asset per unit of total electricity generated over the projects lifetime.

Net Present Value

The net present value (NPV) or net present worth (NPW) applies to a series of cash flows occurring at different times. The present value of a cash flow depends on the interval of time between now and the cash flow. It also depends on the annual effective discount rate. NPV accounts for the time value of money. It provides a method for evaluating and comparing capital projects or financial products with cash flows spread over time.

Return on Investment

The return on investment is a ratio between the net income (profit - investments) and the total investment cost. The ROI does not allow for the time value of money.